Garden District Meeting Minutes – 9-25-18

Karen Hulbert,
Jamie Roselius, Ashley Neubauer, Neil Landgrebe, Ed Bakalla
Ashley called meeting to order at 5:45 pm.
Minutes from last meeting: approved.
Advisory Board election, explanation and vote. Only 7 nominees for 9 positions; no vote held,
all accepted verbally.
Further business
One member, Leslie, is concerned about people parking on Jupiter by the trail to the
school. Looking for a solution. Another member suggested reaching out to elected
officials in the district. The parking lot platting would be under City of Casselberry
jurisdiction, according to another member who served on the planning board at one
point; suggested a traffic study; also said CES and SSMS were supposed to be torn
down/rebuilt at some point. Leslie asked about a petition. Mark Busch suggested going
to the city commissioners before the city commission meetings.
Carol Jackson suggested creating a Garden District boundary for NextDoor.
Another member was concerned about getting political emails and says the only place
she gave that email information to was us.
Carol had a question about code enforcement with yards being overgrown. Asked if
there was a way to have code enforcement go about taking care of it without
neighbors reporting on neighbors. Dean addressed the process.
Social media blast – asked them to spread the word, contact GDCAB if they have questions,
comments, or suggestions.
Ashley adjourned the meeting at 6:14 pm.

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